I am picking feminism, and I will tell you my various reasons and inspirations as to why. First and foremost, Jania from class made me realize that there's still so much for me to learn on this topic, which excites me. She also helped me come to terms with the fact that no matter what I do with this, it's going to offend somebody, and that is perfectly okay with me. Nothing but passive tension ever gets accomplished from biting your tongue.
I also decided upon feminism because of a social experiment I conducted. I initiated it unintentionally, but the results had many implications. Due to this past month being hectic (radiation treatment, makeup work, rehearsals, and a full-blown musical to put on), silly ole me didn't find time to go out and purchase a razor. My armpit and leg hair were left to prosper in this temporary freedom. I wasn't growing out my hair to make a statement or to attract attention; I didn't go out of my way for anyone to notice the hair growth's progression, but I also didn't beat myself up if I wore leggings that didn't go all the way down to my ankles. I definitely had more serious matters to worry about.
But, the rest of Cypress Bay High School didn't, and thus, the accidental social experiment began. First, in the dressing rooms during rehearsals and show nights, several girls noticed my armpits, contorted their countenances into disgusted positions, and asked me why I hadn't shaved. I stuttered back that I simply haven't had time.
Then, this morning, my sister noticed my legs and armpits as I was about to go take a shower. I had finally found myself a razor and figured I might as well take advantage of a Saturday morning with nothing to do to complete the pending task. Upon first glance at my prickled skin, she called me "a slob" and "disgusting", but when I asked her why natural bodily hair was gross, she couldn't come up with any reasoning. "It just is." She then proceeded to inform my mom about my lack of a shaving routine, and she, too, sided with my sister on the fact that I am indeed "nasty".
So here I am, in the shower, realizing that in the encounter between those girls in the dressing room, my sister, and me resides a serious problem. Women everywhere are culprits of perpetuating social standards targeted at women; we often compete with each other and compare ourselves to each other to come out on top as the ideal, domesticated female. This upsets me.
To support this observation, I found this. Yes, these women are against the distorted versions of feminism that our current reality faces, but a lot of them are supporting ideas that demean other women, which is apparent in their posts.
And so, without further ado, "Fembrace" is born. This is the title of my magazine, but it isn't what you might be thinking it is. Inspired by my conversation with Jania, and my exchanges with females I am close to, I am constructing a magazine that celebrates everyone through the conventions of pure feminism, whether they decide to shave their bodies or not, have children or not, get sex changes or not, eat pudding or not, etc. My magazine is going to encourage men, women, and everyone in between to strive for equal status and acceptance no matter what they decide to do with themselves as individuals.
I'm having some mixed ideas for the cover including
- Cardboard cutouts of the feminine symbol (see below) with different people fitting their faces into the circle parts of them.
- A couple of different looking people (varying styles, genders, sizes, amounts of hair, etc.) all hugging.
- One individual (maybe Jania) who will be the topic of my cover story.
I really want my cover to have a "clean" yet ethereal feel to it, similar to "Cherry Bombe" (see my last post). I am really excited!!! I'm going to alter my blog's look and description a tad to accommodate my new idea. YAY
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
"Women Against Feminism." Women Against Feminism. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
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